All of my pages are best viewed at 800 x 600 - 256 colors or higher.
Where's Fr. Frog?
Well it seems that the humorless
people at the Henson
Company took offense
that Fr. Frog's formal portrait
that used
to be here bore a resemblance
to their Kermit the Frog wearing a clerical collar. They
sent me a letter
me to
remove the picture.
Fr. Frog has moved into the background so no one can
say he resembles anyone else
until a non-offensive picture can be found.
However, if you are a clever person you just might be able to make him hop out
for a brief appearance
to say "Hi!"
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell
"The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution." -- Thomas Jefferson
"Information is more dangerous than cannon to a society ruled by lies." - James M Dakin
"Far and away the best prize that life
has to offer is the
chance to work hard at work worth doing." -- Theodore Roosevelt
"I would rather be exposed to
the inconveniences attending too much
liberty than those attending too small a degree of it." -- Thomas Jefferson
"How strangely will the tools
of a tyrant pervert the plain
meaning of words!" -- Samuel Adams, to John Pitts, 1776
“When one teaches, two learn.” -- Robert A. Heinlein
"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclination, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." -- John Adams (1770)
"It is better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war." -- Old samurai saying
Hi ho! Welcome to Fr. Frog's Pad, and to the official Jeff Cooper archive, Steyr Scout Rifle, and Savage Scout Rifle pages. If you're of a conservative/traditional leaning browse around, and enjoy. If you are of the persuasion (some would call it a perversion) that believes that only the government knows what is best for its citizens, and that those who refuse to work should be able to live off of the efforts of others, these pages may have thoughts and ideas that upset you.
Fr. Frog assumes that as you browse his pages that your pistol is in reach. If not, you must have been asleep during the "Wednesday Lecture" on mind set, and missed the whole point of API-250. BAD! BAD! BAD! You have to buy me a case of beer! (I love Grolsch regular or dark, Negra Modelo, or Guinness. I'm also partial to good single malt Irish Whiskey if you've been really bad. Dark chocolate will also be accepted as penance.)
Fr. ("Father") Frog? How the heck did I come by that name? Well, to make a long and boring story a short and boring story, I used to do a pretty mean imitation of Mr. Kermit The Frog, I like the outdoors, I get "hopping" mad at socialists, bleeding-heart liberalism* and abject stupidity (the same things?), I like the color green, and I was very active in, as well as being a Verger in the Episcopal Church for many years, and am now a Deacon in the Lutheran Church (MS). I'm also a retired hospital chaplain--hence the affectionate "father" (Fr.) title. (Surprisingly, I don't like humidity though--thus my metamorphosis into a desert frog.) I also have another alias which you'll find if you browse around.
My wife Frogette (who also goes by the nickname of Sunpuddle), and I, reside in the low humidity and clean air of the beautiful state of Arizona where we are enjoying the companionship of many good friends--old and new--throughout the state, and two furpeople, Cooper and Joy who we serve as administrative assistants.
As a Renaissance Amphibian I have many and varied interests. Scroll down the lists below and visit some of my special areas by clicking on the underlined links. Additional links may be added as time permits. I frequently post updates, new information, and corrections, so check back often to see what's new, and please
you find any bad links, typos, grammar glitches, or other problems please
>>>> let me
know what page they are on, and what and where they are so I can fix them. <<<<
The contents of
this site are copyrighted. However, if you would like to either link to a page on
my site, or use text from my site,
I have no problem with it
you do the
When emailing me please ensure that your embedded "return address" in your E-mail program is correct. (You might want to put your address in the body of your message if you are not sure.) I have had messages from people whose imbedded email return address was invalid (hence the notice below) and they probably think I'm ignoring them. If you don't get a reply from me within 3 - 5 business days, check to make sure that your email program is properly identifying you. (I really do try to answer all email. But only if I receive it.)
Please put your
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with a blank
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If you have emailed me
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...and a request. Please DO NOT add me to your bulk email list for jokes, politics, etc. I receive almost 300 email messages a day and the mail gets overwhelming sometimes, and I promise not to do that to you.
Thanks for visiting!
Be of stout heart and good cheer,
Fr. Frog
![]() (The Cross of St. George) |
![]() |
The king was told that the enemy was coming but he had plenty of time to prepare. He denied it. Much later he was told the enemy is closer and they still had time to arm themselves, but he said he didn't believe it. The enemy overran his castle and killed him. His final words were, "I didn't think they were serious."
"If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be
in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." -- James Madison
Fr. Frog's Personal Pages | The Scout Rifle Pages |
Fr. Frog's Shooting Pages | The Jeff Cooper Pages |
Fr. Frog's Personal Pages
Fr. Frog on "Close Range Interpersonal Crisis Management" Looking out for #1 | Fr.
Hero - Theodore Roosevelt Be sure to check out the Rough Riders link! |
Fr. Frog on
Food The gourmet amphibian |
Fr. Frog on
Religion Some thoughts on faith in action |
National Anthem - All 4 verses For those of you who don't know them. |
Frog on Theology and Faith Some theological thoughts |
Fr. Frog's
Favorite Wise and Witty Sayings A new BIG batch 2024-11-03 |
Fr. Frog Recommends Looking for some good vendors and customer service? This is a page of non-shooting related companies. |
If I
Were King Things would be changed around here! |
Fr. Frog's
Collection of Profound Thoughts Some things from various sources to make you think |
Fur People Fr. Frog
Has Known Some of his best friends |
Battleship NJ (BB-62) (One of the few good things associated with NJ) |
There Ought to be a Law! The rants of an annoyed amphibian. (I bet some of these get to you too.) | Rules Fr. Frog's guidelines for the real world |
The Bill
of Rights For those of you who have never read it... or for those who would like to read it again |
Declaration of Independence The document that started it all. |
on E-mail Guidelines on the use of email |
on Disaster Survival (Some comments about hurricanes Katrina & Sandy) |
Fr. Frog's "For Sale" Page Please check this out. New odds-n-ends from the recesses of the Swamp. Now as of 2022-08-10 | Fr. Frog is looking for... Please check this out - Maybe you can help Fr. Frog. As of 2024-01-22 |
Words A list of interesting words that just have "that sound." Amaze and befuddle your associates! |
on Web Sites The good, the bad, and the ugly of website design |
Truisms & Other Thoughts A random collection |
Police Protection? So you think that the police have a duty to protect you? Think again! |
& Bumper Stickers Things that have caught my eye. |
on Digital Cameras What you really need. |
/ Powermate Generator Information If you have one of the old reliable AG-Tronic or Powermate generators, click here for some useful information. |
I'd Like To See Them Make Odds n ends to make life easier. |
This-n-that Miscellaneous musings from Fr. Frog |
The Scout Rifle Pages
Scout Rifle Information This is THE Steyr Scout information source. Recommended by the Steyr Mannlicher factory and Steyr Arm, US. Be sure to check out "Tips & Tricks." |
Scout Rifle Information The second commercial scout rifle. |
MKII-FV-SR While not a scout rifle this nifty little .22 rimfire rifle deserves its own page. |
for |
Research, Information Services, and Author Assistance
I also offer topical collections on CD from The American Rifleman covering from 1945 to 2002 for the M1, M14, M16, M1911, M1903 Rifle, M1 Carbine, Ballistics/Forensics, and CDs of AR-15/M16 Manuals and information, and US Small Arms TMs. If you are a writer and are
looking for technical
assistance for firearms related |
(Internal, External, and Terminal) A short treatise on the subject |
A International Glossary of Small Arms Terms German, French, Italian, & Spanish |
Small Arms Terminology Reference So you can call things by their right name. |
Homemade Cleaners and Lubricants Alternatives to the high priced spreads |
Miscellaneous Questions and Answers Check these out! You may find the answer you've been looking for! Lots of new stuff! 232 questions & answers covering 9 areas of shooting. 2024-01-15 |
Testing Your Shooting skills So you think you're a "hot" shot? Does one of your friends brag what a great shot he is? Try some of these simple tests and get out the humble pie. |
An Investigation of Bore Cleaners Cutting through the hype |
Thoughts on the Shotgun Using the common tool |
Thoughts on the Power of the Rifle How much gun is enough |
The Modern Techniques of Shooting Doing it right |
Thoughts on Firearms Safety It's between the ears |
Developing an Accurate Load The easy way |
Fr. Frog Recommends Looking for some good vendors and customer service for your shooting needs? Now with a page of non-shooting related companies. | The "Gospel" of John (Browning) A semi- humorous look at what's wrong with today's pistols. |
Patron Saints of Shottists Information on saints of interest to shooters |
Layout Aid for Visio™ Users A tool for designing courses of fire |
Protecting Our Children Some thoughts on firearms in schools | Gun Manners - Some thoughts on being a gentleman or lady shottist. |
Gunsite Color Code The original word on this mindset tool |
Dumbing Down of the American Shooter What's wrong in the shooting sports |
Song If you are a Gunsite "family" member this should bring back sleepless nights. |
on Range Estimation The truth about just how far away that target is. |
Practice Drills to Keep You Sharp You won't rise to the occasion, you'll default to your level of training. |
Some Thoughts on the Manipulation of the Bolt Action Rifle A discussion of the proper use of the bolt action rifle. |
World's Biggest Army Something for those who would try and take our freedoms to ponder. |
The Gunsite Code of Offenses The "codes" we all feared in the early days of API / Gunsite. |
"LEATHERNECK" Takedown Information If you've been searching, here it is. |
Ballistics Gelatin Info on sources and proper preparation for wound ballistics testing |
6.8 x 43 (6.8 SPC) Cartridge The successor to the 5.56? |
Coefficient Tables Commercial and military ballistic coefficient tables from numerous manufacturers. G7 updated 2012-04-18 |
With the AR Platform Rifle System Some thoughts and suggestions for getting the most from your AR/M16 from a variety of sources, as well as some interesting information. If you own an AR you should read this. |
With a Chronograph Tips, tricks, and trouble shooting for chronograph owners of all brands. |
Strategies for the AR Platform Thoughts on the best zero to use. |
With PressureTrace
Tips, tricks, and trouble shooting for PressureTrace owners. |
Fires" An investigation of slam fires and the AR platform (but applicable to other arms). If you reload for the AR read this. |
Places States to avoid staying in or traveling through if you are a gun owner or display "gun friendly" stickers and patches. |
With .22 RF Conversion Units Some info on keeping these handy training devices working |
Goodies For
Reloaders Some of Fr. Frogs recommended accessories that will make life easier, but that won't break your bank account. |
With a Powder Scale
Tips, tricks, and trouble shooting for digital and balance beam powder scales |
Thoughts on Being Armed Being a responsible armed citizen. |
Health Benefits of Shooting Shooting your way to better health. |
Blackout The newest thing for your AR. |
With The Mossberg 930SPX ![]() The sleeper of the tactical shotgun world. Lots of good info here including stock shortening directions |
The Jeff Cooper Page One of the greatest shottists and teachers of the 20th century (May 10, 1920 - Sep 25, 2006) | The Jeff Cooper Bibliography Project A complete listing of all his writings. |
Cooper Books A complete listing of his books. |
The Gunsite Alumni E-mail Group For students of API / Gunsite |
For Jeff Cooper |
If you are really bored you can email Fr.Frog
by clicking here.
If you find a problem, a broken link, or a goof on one of my pages, I'd
appreciate it
if you would let me know so I can fix it.
You are visitor |
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There is absolutely nothing offensive to any normal member of humanity who believes in freedom, self reliance, or The Creator, nor to any so-called minority group, anywhere on this web site. However, should you for some reason (maybe you're a bleeding heart liberal* who accidentally came across this site) be offended by the thoughts, data, and information herein contained, that's just too bad! Grow up and don't bother writing your congressional representatives, crying to your shrink, or writing me hate mail. Put on your "big-girl" panties and ADJUST!
* The term "liberal" is quite misused these days. In actuality, "liberal" means standing for fewer restrictions and more individual freedoms. Unfortunately, as used today, it stands for those who despise liberty and freedom. They are pathological control freaks that want to obliterate the mere suggestion of any thought that would undermine their bloated and unwarranted sense of self-worth, who want to have the government control all aspects of its citizen's lives and thoughts, to provide everything for them under the guise of "protecting" them from all harm or "hardship. They want to distribute the earnings of those who work hard to to get ahead to those who are too lazy to better themselves"--more properly called socialism than liberalism. The "bleeding hearts" I talk about are those who moan and groan when anyone suggests that people show some self-responsibility for their own actions and care, or a little self-reliance, and who also seem to fear those who do try to take control of their own lives and carry their own weight.
Nutritional Facts - This site is made from all natural
ingredients and contains no preservatives, "BS," or artificial flavors. 0% Fat,
0% Cholesterol, 0% Sodium.
Serving Size 1 page. Data based upon a 2000 calorie diet. Your
daily needs may be higher or lower depending on where you live.
And remember...
"He who goes unarmed in paradise
had better be sure that is where he is." -- James Thurber
This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been pre-authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of political, economic, scientific, social, art, media, and cultural issues. The 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material that may exist on this site is provided for under U.S. Copyright Law. In accordance with U.S. Code Title 17, Section 107, material on this site is distributed without profit to persons interested in such information for research and educational purposes. If you want to use any copyrighted material that may exist on this site for purposes that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. If you feel that any of the images used on this site infringe on YOUR rights, please contact us via the e-mail posted on this page and we will happily comply with your request and remove them. All original photos and montages posted on this site are owned by me and marked to distinguish. Material from this site may not be collected, printed, or sold in any form without specific permission from the author - who may be, for all you know, a bloodsucking parasitic lawyer just aching to file a lawsuit, take your life savings, and leave you scrambling from one wretched hiding place to the next, croaking only the word "gollum."
Updated 2024-11-02 @ 1400 All contents of this web site © copyright 2024 by J. C. Schaefer (Fr. Frog) All rights reserved.